Plant-based Creamy Tomato Pasta Sauce

This creamy tomatoe sauce goes great with any kind of pasta, gluten free or soy based. All the different, fresh vegetables give it a deep and rich flavour, and the cashews make it creamy and give it a smooth taste.

10 cm of celery
1 carrot
10 cm leek
1 clove of garlic
100g chashew nuts
400 ml of canned tomatoes
2 tbsp vegetable stock powder
2 tbsp of tomato pureƩ
8 fresh cherry tomatoes
Olive oil
Salt, pepper, oregano (fresh or dried)

Cut the leek, carrot and celery into cubes, and slice the garlic. Fry the vegetables in olive oil on low heat for about 5 minutes. Add the stock powder and tomato pureƩ and fry on low heat for about 1 minute. Add the canned tomatoes and the cashews and let it simmer under cover for about 10-15 minutes on low heat. Add the salt, pepper and oregano and mix until smooth.
